Chiropractic medicine is a hands on approach to health care. Research has shown that Chiropractic care is effective treatment for:
Back Pain Neck Pain Headaches Disc Injuries Arthritis Whiplash Injuries Numbness Sciatica and Leg Pain Shoulder, Arm and Hand Pain Hip, Knee, Ankle and Foot Pain
Care starts with a detailed history and physical assessment followed by a diagnosis of your condition. Next a comprehensive treatment/management plan is provided to meet your goals and needs. Patients are involved in the treatment plan to help choose from a large variety of therapeutic techniques to optimize results.
Treatments usually involve “hands on” therapies to the muscles, ligaments and joints of the body. Care will focus on and address the source of your problems. Chiropractors are trained to recommend therapeutic exercise, nutritional and dietary advice, and utilize a wide variety of soft tissue techniques.
Adult: Initial Visit $95
Subsequent Visit $65
Extended Visit $95
Child (13 and under): Initial Visit $45
Subsequent Visit $25